Get rid of the hassle of handling coins and troublesome loose change. Just scan the QR code to pay. It’s that easy!

Kickstart your cashless journey with DuitNow QR
DuitNow QR is an interoperable QR code standard that allows you to make payment or P2P fund transfer to anyone by scanning QR code.
Select ‘Scan’ on MyPB App or select ‘DuitNow QR’ on PB engage to activate the camera and scan to pay. Payment will be deducted directly from your bank account.
How it works?
Interested in growing your business with DuitNow QR? Get started here.
Find Out MoreDuitNow QR Safety Tips
Ensure your DuitNow QR experience is safe and secured by following these simple steps:
Check QR Code
Stay alert and make sure the QR code is from a trusted source and shows no signs of tampering before scanning.
Verify Payment Details
Always verify the payment details are correct before going through with a transaction.
Do not disclose Generated QR
When receiving money via DuitNow QR, don’t disclose the generated QR to anybody but your intended payer.
Terms & Conditions
- DuitNow QR Terms & Conditions