PBe Online Security

This page is dedicated to provide simple yet effective security tips and information to assist you in becoming a more knowledgeable and security conscious user.

Did you received a phishing email, spotted unauthorised transactions in your account or afraid that your account is being used as a mule account?

Contact us immediately at:

Red Flags of Scam

Security Quiz

Did you received a phishing email, spotted unauthorised transactions in your account or afraid that your account is being used as a mule account?

Kempen Pencegahan Jenayah Komersil (Jenayah Dalam Talian)

New to PBe and PB enterprise?

Here at Public Bank the security of your internet and mobile banking is of the utmost concern to us.

With this in mind, we are committed to provide high standards of online security and confidentiality to ensure full confidence whenever you use PBe and PB engage.

Security Threats & Protection

The bank understands your constant concerns about the security and safe keeping of your online account. With the rise in online fraud, we recognize our role in culling these incidents. Here are some of the steps and precautions that we take in order to combat these threats

Scam Awareness Video

Episode: Scam Awareness: Safety Tips to Safeguard Your Card Against Fraud

The bank understands your constant concerns about the security and safe keeping of your online account. With the rise in online fraud, we recognize our role in culling these incidents. Here are some of the steps and precautions that we take in order to combat these threats.

Customer Education


FB Ad Scam

Public Bank is notifying all users and viewers that this is a FAKE posting on Facebook created by scammers. Public Bank has immediately informed and requested Facebook to remove this FAKE posting impersonating Public Bank and our officers. We advise everyone to stay vigilant to avoid being a victim to such scam. Please DO NOT call any suspicious contact number or click on any links of these fake social media postings. If you’ve been scammed, immediately call 03-2177 3555 or the National Scam Response Centre at 997 (8am-8pm daily) and make a police report. #JanganKenaScam

Safety Banking Tips

Stay vigilant at all times

Improve your online banking protection by reading our online banking tips.

Kill Switch

If your PB account has been compromised, you may activate the "Kill Switch" function.

This extra security measure allows you to disable all features, including Online Banking , ATM Card and Credit/Debit Card instantly in order to safeguard your PB account.

Watch out for Loan Scam

Scammers will claim to be from a licensed money lender, offering loans with low interest rates. Once you are committed, you will be instructed to pay various fees to improve your credit score before the loan is disbursed. After you have transferred the money, the scammer will block all contact with you and disappear with your money.

Public Bank Designated SMS Short Code

Effective 13 March 2024, all SMS communications from Public Bank will be delivered from the following Designated SMS Short Code: 68333 / 63232. For more information, please click view more.

Mule Account

What is Mule Account? Mule accounts are defined as intermediary accounts used to transfer funds illegally. These funds could be stolen or laundered from illegal activities.

Stay Alert on Swapping of ATM Card

To stay alert on suspicious person approaching, swapping your ATM, Debit / Credit Card & observing your PIN.

How you can protect yourself online

How you can protect yourself online

Online security begins and ends with you. Therefore it is crucial for you to know of the safety measures that you can make by yourself to avoid being scammed.